The Boredom Saints
I never cared about the controversy surrounding the first appearance of the Boondock Saints. Troy Duffy's first feature film about the two crime fighting hitmen who, in the name of god, took law in their own hands and made it their quest to wipe out all the evil and corrupt, was heavily accused of vigilantism. Their methods were indeed questionable and the films archaic moral values, that probably originate in an Old Testament's merciless deity and an 'eye for an eye' type of attitude, inevitably provoked big arguements. With its stylized and often jolly approach it probably crosses the line and, in fact, glorifies violence. Therefore it is quite comprehensible why so many critics hated the first film. It still got only a 16 % rating on the tomatometer. But I never even bothered about this discussion as I don't think this movie even deserved to be discussed beyond its surface. I don't think the movie offers any worthwhile commentary on a relevant social subject and in terms of filmmaking it was not much more than another Tarantino-offspring in a post Pulp Fiction era. However, part one featured some really wacky characters, a foulmouth and entertaining script with some very amusing and quotable lines and quite some energy. Now comes the tired and completely uninspired sequel and even the former Saints' loyal followers are now likely to lose their faith.