
Easy Rider (1969)

In a segment called "Movies that changed the movies" of their famous show, Gene Siskel and Roger Ebert, among several others, were taking a look at this particular film in 1979. Easy Rider was the key to the "American Nouvelle Vague" known simply as 'New Hollywood', an important period in the history of (American) cinema lasting from around 1967 to 1976.
It came out at the end of the 1960s, that most tempestuous decade of protest and departure.
A whole generation was looking for new values to establish and 'Easy Rider' pretty much struck one chord with the young people and highlighted their feelings in its portrayal of two lonesome riders on motorbikes on their way through the States and on their search for freedom.


Martyrs (2008)

Another movie that is not for the squeamish to say the least is the french horror flick "Martyrs".
It came out in 2008 and follows in the vein of a new wave of terror that has been coming from France since the mid 2000s. After ultra violent slasher films like 'High Tension', 'Frontiers' or the super-gory 'Inside', Martyrs is the only film in the circuit that may be worth a watch - for those who can endure it.


Source Code (2011)

Next up is 'Source Code', a recent Cyberthriller that was proclaimed as a thrilling, ingenious trip by some and fairly well accepted by most critics and audiences. My expectations were understandably high but it turned out to be a major disappointment.


Cutting Moments (1997)

After that terrible movie session ("Session 9") it's time for some good "horror". While that previous film I reviewed showed that you can indeed make a one and a half hour movie with nothing in it here comes an only 25 minute-long short film full of complex themes and devastating power.