True Grit (2010)
So many movies get remade these days. So many franchises (in particular of the horror genre) get a reboot. Most of them suck or are at least a total waste. But every once in a while there is a film coming along that is just as good or even superior to the original. True Grit is one of them. And who did doubt that considering a fantastic line-up of stars and of course with the direction and screenwriting in the hands of some of the finest guys in the business, Joel and Ethan Coen.
Wild At Heart (1990)

Since this is a David Lynch film, it's not a surprise that "Wild at heart" is yet another bizarre portrait of pure madness. People constantly split when they see a movie like this and I have mixed feelings about it, too.
There is no doubt about the director's ingenious imagination and innovation. Lynch seemlessly crosses various styles and gernes from romance to dark comedy to road-movie to coming-of-age-drama to fairy tale to arthouse-splatter. Some call it a masterpiece, some call it weird art, and some think it's soulless or heartless garbage.
Rubber (2010)
The next movie is a 2010 french trash-comedy called "Rubber" about a CAR TIRE on the road on killing spree. What is certainly a sympathetic premise doesn't ever deliver. Sadly the tire never really accelerates.
A tale of two sisters (2003)
"A tale of two sisters" is a skillfully directed and beautifully shot, complex psychological drama and horror movie directed by Kim-jee Woon whose latest feature "I saw the devil" is now available on DVD and VOD and worth checking out by the way.
The Chaser (2008)
Essentially "The Chaser" is about a former police agent tracking down a murderer.
Now that sounds quite familiar and not too exciting, doesn't it?
You might be just as surprised as I was to see this story unfold and develop.
The screenplay to this South-Korean serial killer flick is much trickier than its premise suggests.
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